The WnS process is shown using the example of the reference test complex of haematopoetic cell kinase (HCK, target, in green) and 1-ter-butyl-3-p-tolyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-D]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (PP1, ligand, in red)
Steps | Download files | |
1) Inputs Structures of the energy-minimized ligand (red) and apo target (green) molecules in Protein Databank (*.pdb) format |
Input files 1qcf_ligand.pdb 1qcf_target.pdb |
2) Pre-wrapper 2a) Generation of *.pdbqt files with partial charges and atom types. Setting up parameter files for calculation of grid maps (*.gpf) and docking (*.dpf) 2b) The docking box covers the entire target surface (red box, blind docking mode) 2c) Modification of the AD4_parameters.dat file (need to be done only once before the first wrapping cycle) |
Generated files 1qcf_ligand.pdbqt 1qcf_target.pdbqt 1qcf_target.gpf 1qcf_target.dpf Modified AutoDock files AD4_parameters.dat autocomm.h |
3) Wrapper cycle 1 3a) Grid maps (*.map) and additional files (*.glg, *.fld, *.xyz) are produced by Autogrid 4.2 3b) Docking log file (*.dlg) is produced by AutoDock 4.2. 100 blind docking runs per cycle are performed 3c) The *.dlg file is used as input by program Wrp, which first ranks and clusters the docked ligand conformations. The results are reported in a *.sta file 3d) New atom types (YY, LL) of excluded atoms are assigned by wrp. The corresponding * and * files are generated before the cycle. The resulted *.wrp.pdbqt file contains the docked ligand copies (cluster representatives) 3e) Available free Accessible Surface Area (ASA) is calculated by Msroll 3f) Wrapping ends if ASA ≤ 1 % or the interaction energy value of any cluster representant in the cycle is ≥ 0 kcal/mol. Otherwise, the *.wrp.pdbqt file is forwarded to the next cycle 4) Wrapper cycles 2-16 The process described at Cycle 1 is repeated in consecutive cycles. Wrapping will end if a criterion of Point 3f is met. The complete Wrapping process with all files of the 16 wrapping cycles can be downloaded in a single package (O_1qcf_wrp.tgz) |
Autogrid 4.2 outputs 1qcf_target.glg etc_grid.tgz AutoDock 4.2 output 1qcf_1.dlg Gromacs output (ver. 1.1) O_1qcf_1_ASA_free.log Msroll output (ver. 1.0) O_1qcf_1_ASA_free.log Wrp outputs O_1qcf_1.log O_1qcf_1_input_t.pdb O_1qcf_1_wrp.sta O_1qcf_1_wrp.pdbqt etc_wrp.tgz Wrapper outputs (Cycles 1-16) O_1qcf_wrp.tgz |
5) Trimming After the last (16th) wrapping cycle a trimming step is involved to remove ligand copies positioned far from the target surface. The *trm.pdb file contains the target structure wrapped in a monolayer of N=143 ligand copies and can be used in Shaker. |
Input files 1qcf_16_wrp.pdbqt 1qcf_ligand_template.pdb 1qcf_ligand_template.pdbqt Output file O_1qcf_16_wrp.log O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm.pdb |
Steps | Download files | |
6) Molecular dynamics simulation with position restraints applied on the backbone of the target protein (MDB) The target-ligandN (N=143) complex from the Wrapper step (O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm.pdb) is handled in a single MDB simulation to remove a 25 % of the initial ligand copies 6a) The complex is placed in a simulation box, hydrated, and equipped with neutralizing ions 6b) Energy minimization involves steepest descend (st) and conjugate gradient (cg) runs 6c) The energy minimized complex is subjected to a 5-ns-long MDB simulation with restraints applied on the backbone of the target protein. The resulted trajectory is stored in a portable, compressed file (*.xtc) containing spatial coordinates of all atoms of all frames. The trajectories can be further processed by GROMACS tools using the corresponding binary topology (*.tpr) file |
Input files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm.pdb em_st.mdp em_cg.mdp md_b.mdp Generated files posre.itp O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md1.tpr Output files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md1.xtc |
7) MDB with simulated annealing (MDBSA) and filtering steps 7a) Filtering 1. Migration distances and ligand-target interaction energies are calculated from the trajectories and applied for filtering out loosely bound ligand copies 7b) The remaining ligand copies bound to the target are subjected to energy-minimization, and a 20-ns-long MDBSA (md2) 7c) Filtering 2. Migration distances and ligand-target interaction energies are calculated from the trajectories and applied for filtering out loosely bound ligand copies 7d) The remaining ligand copies bound to the target are subjected to energy-minimization, and a 20-ns-long MDBSA (md3) 7e) Filtering 3. Migration distances and ligand-target interaction energies are calculated from the trajectories and applied for filtering out loosely bound ligand copies 7f) Clustering and ranking. As the elimination rate (ER) is ≥ 0.75, further MDBSA & filtering steps are not necessary. Cluster representatives are collected in a final output (*_flt3_cls.pdb), and ranked by their interaction energies |
Input files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md1_flt1.pdb O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md2_flt2.pdb em_st.mdp em_cg.mdp md_bsa.mdp Generated files posre.itp O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md2.tpr O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3.tpr Output files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md2.xtc O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3.xtc O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3_flt3_cls.pdb |
8) Refinements with flexible MD (MDF) Target-ligand complexes are created by splitting the CC=12 cluster representatives. Each complex contains one copy of the target structure and one cluster representative. The complexes are subjected to separate 20-ns-long MDF simulations where no restraints were applied. Example files for the first cluster are shown, and output files of all clusters are provided in a compressed library (*.tgz) |
Input files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3_flt3_1.pdb em_st.mdp em_cg.mdp md_f.mdp Generated files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3_flt3_1.tpr Output files O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3_flt3_1.xtc O_1qcf_16_wrp_trm_md3_flt3.tgz |